Communication between School and Parent/Guardians





Back to Business

Each August is an opportunity for school pictures, books/laptops pick-up, PE uniform orders.

Curriculum Night

At the beginning of the year in September, parents experience their student’s daily schedule with teacher presentations.

Principal Weekly Bulletin

Principal Dahl updates families each week with a detailed bulletin (usually on Fridays).

Coffee with the Principals

Principal Dahl and Associate Principal Morrison meet with parents and families face to face for a chat.


The school principals, teachers, counselors and staff are available via email for discussions or meetings.


The counseling department updates families occasionally.

School Website:

Be sure to bookmark the school website

Washington State PTA 2022-2023 SILVER Membership Growth Award Recipient 2022-2023 Washington State PTA 100% Staff Membership Award Recipient

PTSA# 2.8.68  |  6900 208th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98053  |  425 936-2320  |  Lake Washington School District