PTA is an Advocacy Organization

The National PTA is the oldest and largest child advocacy association in America. Washington State PTA (WSPTA) is our state level PTA, and Lake Washington PTSA (LWPTSA) is our council level PTSA organization for Lake Washington School District.


How can we best advocate for our students?

1. Join the  PTSA. By growing the membership of the PTSA, it increases the influence we have in Olympia and Washington DC, allowing us to advocate on the behalf of students everywhere.

2. Attend general membership meetings. Quarterly PTSA meetings are your chance to see where our budget is spent, vote on motions, and make your voice heard.

3. Contact legislators. By adding your voice to those contacting state or federal legislators, you are making sure legislators know the issues that are a highest priority to all of us. Yes, you can do this even if you are not a citizen.

4. Get involved. Contact LWPTSA or WSPTA advocacy if you'd like to know how to attend lobbying days in Olympia, talk to local leaders, attend the WSPTA legislative assembly, or campaign locally for change.

Please contact the Advocacy Director (advocacy at if you would like to know more.



Local Advocacy

The LWSD School Board provides direction to the Lake Washington School District. The Board Members are our representatives and anyone can email them with questions or concerns. Everyone can also give either written or spoken public comments at a School Board Meeting. If there's a topic that's important to you, a great place to start is bringing it to the School Board.


Find Your Legislator


Getting to School

We're excited to be working with King County Metro to provide ways for parents to simplify their daily commute.

Visit this page for Rideshare Online, Vanpool, and carpooling information.


Washington State PTA Legislative Priorities and Supported Issues, 2022-2023

Legislative Assembly

The Washington State PTA legislative platform is a two-year platform to mirror the Washington state legislative cycle. The below Legislative Priorities and Supported Issues are updated yearly. On the even-numbered years, the new platform is voted on by members at the legislative assembly in the fall. The top five issues become our short-term platform and consist of our priority issues when advocating throughout the year. Other issues are placed on an “also supported” list.

Legislative Priorities

Addressing the Student Mental Health Crisis
Addressing Critical Gaps in Education Funding
Preventing and Reducing Gun Violence and Suicide
Addressing Funding, Inclusion, and Supports in Special Education
Building and Maintaining Safer School Facilities

Supported Issues

Creating a Diverse and Effective Educator Workforce
Expanding School Construction Funding Options
Harnessing the Benefits of Mastery-based Learning
Improving Equitable Identification and Access for Highly Capable Students
Increasing Education Equity by Closing the Digital Divide
Increasing Support for Equitable Family Engagement
Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Climate Change
Supporting a Meaningful High School Diploma

Washington State PTA 2022-2023 SILVER Membership Growth Award Recipient 2022-2023 Washington State PTA 100% Staff Membership Award Recipient

PTSA# 2.8.68  |  6900 208th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98053  |  425 936-2320  |  Lake Washington School District