ASB's 3 School Dances usually occur in the fall, winter and spring. 

The 2024-25 dances will be held on Fridays: 11/01, 2/28 and 5/16 from 6-8pm.  

Dance tickets are sold on the district website or at the school cashier’s window Monday-Thursday before the dance. THERE ARE NO TICKET SALES AT THE DOOR, AND NO TICKET SALES ON FRIDAY, THE DAY OF THE DANCEIf you bought an Eagle Pride Triple Dance Pass, you already have a ticket to all three dances. Students who have already purchased Triple Dance Passes do not need to buy a ticket to this dance.  They will just need to pick up their dance bracelet at lunch on the day of the dance.

Attendance:  Please do not drop your child off early.  They will not be let in until a few minutes before the dance begins. Students are expected to stay for the entire duration of the dance to avoid unnecessary ins and outs.  If your child must leave early for any reason, please notify the school ahead of time.  Lastly, please pick your child up promptly once the dance is over.

Concessions will be available for purchase at the dance.  Our PTSA only sells snacks and provides water, so please make sure your child eats dinner before they attend.  If your child wishes to purchase snacks, please send them with small bills, preferably $1s and $5s, otherwise, the concession stand may run out of change!

For more info, please review the DANCE FAQ's.  If you haven't signed the inflatables waiver, you can find the form ONLINE or printable HERE


Washington State PTA 2022-2023 SILVER Membership Growth Award Recipient 2022-2023 Washington State PTA 100% Staff Membership Award Recipient

PTSA# 2.8.68  |  6900 208th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98053  |  425 936-2320  |  Lake Washington School District