A PTSA can be no more effective than its leadership. The Nominating Committee is a special committee that holds the key to a successful PTSA! The PTSA’s future is determined by the leadership qualities and people skills of the individuals selected by the Nominating Committee.


Role of the Nominating Committee 

The nominating committee manages nominations for the board positions from start to finish. 

Nominating committee members work together to form the best process for recruiting and nominating candidates. 

All members of nominating committees are required to identify potential candidates for current or upcoming vacancies and to work diligently toward attracting and securing top talent. Their duties include identifying, recruiting, screening and interviewing candidates for board positions. The committee selects the top candidates and recommends them to the board as official nominees.


Qualities of a Nominating Committee Members

Effective candidates for the nominating committee:

  • Are familiar with the needs and goals of the EMS PTSA.
  • Are enthusiastic about the mission, vision, and goals of the EMS PTSA. 
  • Are willing to work and devote considerable time to furthering the purposes and programs of the EMS PTSA
  • Possess tact, integrity, discretion, and the ability to hold their own counsel.
  • Have the courage to express their ideas and defend their convictions.
  • Demonstrate sound judgment and skill in evaluating potential nominees.
  • Are capable of understanding and maintaining complete confidentiality.
  • Should be elected on merit and ability – never on popularity.


Nominating committee

  • Are PTSA members
  • Attends Nominating Committee training in January
  • Elects its own chairperson at its first meeting
  • Reads carefully WS PTA Nominating Committee and Elections Handbook
  • Understands Standing Rules of EMS PTSA
  • Receives a list of current PTSA members along with the job descriptions for the board positions
  • Reviews requirements for nominees and officers’ duties 
  • Engages in an open discussion on potential nominees
  • Selects only eligible nominees who agree to serve
  • Operates until the annual election meeting in Spring.
  • A committee member is not excluded from consideration as a nominee for an elected board position. If a nominating committee member is being considered, he/she is excused from the meeting during the discussion on the position. And, the individual can rejoin the meeting to participate in the ballot vote, required in this instance, for determining the nominee for an office.


Responsibilities of the Chairperson

  • The chairperson for a nominating committee has administrative duties to ensure that the committee runs smoothly and completes its work on time.
  • Provide the agenda and schedule for meetings
  • Contact potential nominees and share the outcome with the committee 
  • Advise nominees to attend the election meeting and the installation of officers
  • Submit a slate of nominees to the membership 28 days before the election meeting
  • Reconvene the committee if a nominee withdraws before the election
  • At the election meeting, the chairperson reads the nominating committee report with the slate of nominees and gives a written report, signed by the committee, to the secretary to include in the Minutes.


Suggested Qualifications for all Board Positions

  • Strongly believes in the mission and goals of the EMS PTSA.
  • Willing to attend 1 PTSA training class.
  • Prior experience fits with the job description.
  • Is ethical and has a sense of justice and fairness.
  • Willing to work collaboratively and has a growth mindset.
  • Exhibits enthusiasm for EMS PTSA.
  • Willing to make PTSA a high priority in his or her schedule.



Interested to be part of the nominating committee? Have more questions? Please contact here.

You do not have to be present to be nominated and elected, you do have to send your consent to the nomination.


Washington State PTA 2022-2023 SILVER Membership Growth Award Recipient 2022-2023 Washington State PTA 100% Staff Membership Award Recipient

PTSA# 2.8.68  |  6900 208th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98053  |  425 936-2320  |  Lake Washington School District