2024-2025 Math Club Registration is closed!

Before registering for the math club, please first review the eligibility criteria on the math club webpage. If you are not eligible, please do NOT sign up. Even if you complete the registration and payment, your registration will be dismissed later. 


Registration will remain open from August 26th until October 4th, 2024. The link will close on midnight on October 4th,2024. Once the registration link closes, no new registrations will be accepted under any circumstances. If you want to participate in the math club's activities, including coaching sessions and various math tournaments, please be sure to register before the deadline.

Please read through EMS PTSA Enrichment General Policies & Procedures before registration.

Registration Tips:

  1. Math Club will organize the students to participate in the AMC10A/B, AMC8, AIME (for AIME qualifiers only), MATHCOUNTS and Math is Cool. If you are not sure about the interest in the above math tournaments, please try to do some practice before joining the math club.
  2. Please make sure you go through every single step of the registration process if you want to ensure that you are registered. Immediately after you put the item "math club" in your shopping cart, you will get a confirmation email from the system before you complete the payment. This does NOT mean that your registration has been completed. You must go through all the steps and ensure that the payment has gone through to make sure that you are registered.
  3. Please ensure that you enter the following information accurately: the student’s email, the parent’s email, and a parent’s phone or cell phone number. If this information is not entered correctly, the math club cannot guarantee that important updates will be delivered to students and families in a timely manner. Students and families will be fully responsible for any negative consequences resulting from incorrect or missing contact information.
    • Please enter the student’s full name and accurate grade (remember to update your student’s grade in your EMS PTSA membership account first). When registering for the math club, you may use your child’s school or personal email, but it’s crucial that the email is typed correctly and is one that your student regularly uses. Avoid using fake or rarely used email addresses. 
    • Parents are required to enter one email address that is typed correctly and is frequently used. Do not provide a fake, misspelled, or rarely used email address.
    • Parents/Guardians should also provide one cell phone number.
  4. You can pay either by check or online. If you pay online, a small processing fee will apply. If you choose to pay by check, please note that there may be a 1–2-week delay for the PTSA Treasurers to manually process the payment. When paying by check, be sure to include the student's full name, grade, and "2024-25 EMS PTSA Math Club fee" on the check. Please drop off the check at the EMS PTSA mailbox at least two weeks before the online registration deadline to ensure we can reach out to you once registration closes. 
  5. After all the registrations are finished, you will get an email on Sunday, October 6th, 2024, from the math club detailing next steps. 

Who can participate in the math club?

  The Math Club only permits the following types of students:

    1. Students who are currently enrolled in Evergreen Middle School, from 6th to 8th grade.
    2. Homeschooled students who have Evergreen as a home school, AND their age must correspond to 6th to 8th grade.
    3. Choice school students who have Evergreen as a home school, and there is no math club at their attending schools. If a choice school has a math club but does not offer the exact same tournaments, students and their parents/guardians should request that their attending school host those tournaments. Due to limited capacity, the EMS math club cannot accommodate these students.


1. According to the Math is Cool competition rules Math is Cool (academicsarecool.com), A student may compete only for his or her official school of record. A student's school of record is the student's base or main school. So, the homeschooled students and Choice school students who are eligible to join the EMS PTSA math club can ONLY compete in the "individual section" but are NOT permitted to team up with other students who are currently attending the Evergreen Middle School to compete in the Math is Cool team section. 

2.Homeschooled students and choice school students who are eligible to join the EMS PTSA math club are NOT eligible to participate in the EMS MATHCOUNTS school round test. These students' parents or guardians should register the students for the MATHCOUNTS on the official competition website directly by themselves as non-school competitor (NSC) in grades 6-8 if their child’s school will not register for the MATHCOUNTS Competition Series. Homeschool students must adhere to the MATHCOUNTS official rules and procedures OFFICIAL RULES + PROCEDURES | MATHCOUNTS Foundation and complete the Homeschool Participation Form for their participation.

Volunteering & Volunteer Hour/Donation Match Program

All enrolled EMS math club families must have at least one family member volunteering for math club AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR. We have a few requirements for these volunteers.

Adult Volunteer Requirements: 

    • Be passionate about math and be willing and comfortable with working with middle school students. 
    • Must be an LWSD approved volunteer (even if you have been previously certified, please recheck your volunteer approval status to make sure it is up to date. LWSD volunteer website: link

Volunteer hour & Donation match program

  • What is the volunteer hour match program?
    • The volunteer hour match program is a program that some companies have, where if an employee volunteers at a non-profit for a certain amount of time, the company will "match" that contribution to the same or different non-profit approved by the companies.
  • What is the donation match program? 
    • The donation matching program is a benefit offered by some companies where, if an employee donates a specific amount to a non-profit organization, the company will "match" that contribution to the same organization.
  • Why does the math club need your support to submit volunteer hours match or donation match?
    • $10 per student is far below what is actually necessary to cover all math club costs. The only reason we can offer such a low and affordable club fee is because many dedicated parents in the past volunteered extensively with the math club, other EMS PTSA enrichment programs, and various local community activities. Their volunteer hours helped us secure substantial funds, which continue to support us today. However, this won't last forever, so we need new volunteers to submit their hours or matching request so we can still give students the affordable $10 entry fee. Even if we have excess funds, we will NOT reimburse them to anyone, as we will use them in following years. 
  • How do I submit them?
    • Please check with your company to look at the volunteer hour match policies. After you complete your volunteering activities, submit the hours to your company system, and choose the donation recipient to be the EMS PTSA, then in the notes, to say that the money is for the EMS PTSA Math Club, to ensure that the money goes to supporting the math club. After that, the PTSA Treasurer will ensure that the support that you have garnered will go to the math club. 
    • Please check with your company to review their donation match policies. For example, if you donate to EMS PTSA, you can request a donation match from your employer and note that the funds are intended for the EMS PTSA Math Club to ensure the money supports the math club. The PTSA Treasurer will then allocate the matched funds accordingly. Please note that donation matches, and the original donations must be directed to the same non-profit organization.

Club Fee & Other payment

Everyone who joins math club should pay a flat fee of $10 in order to cover club fees including operational costs, competition fees and various activities. Even if you only participate in some of the math club activities, you will still have to pay this $ fee. We will NOT split costs. If this $10 per person is unable to consider math club costs, then we will notify families about the collection of extra fees. 

Students who sign up for the math tournaments organized by the math club but do not attend on the competition day without providing at least 48 hours' advance notice to the math club will be required to reimburse the math club for the Math tournament personal registration fee.

If some families have financial difficulties in meeting this fee and are in need of a scholarship, they may talk to the school counselor to get one. 

Math Competition Overview  

In the 2024-25 school year, the math club will organize students to participate in the following competitions. By enrolling in the math club, you will automatically be enrolled in the following competitions, unless you specifically request to opt out. All the test takers must participate in these competitions at the scheduled date and time. No make-up will be provided! 


EMS will host the AMC10A/B on these following two days immediately after school at EMS Commons. This competition is open to all math club students, including 6th/7th/8th graders. EMS math teacher will register all students and administer these competitions. Test takers are permitted to enroll in ONE competition center. If you try to enroll in two places, this is forbidden, and your account will get locked, stopping you from taking the competition at all. 

    • AMC 10_A Competition Date: Wednesday, November 6, 2024, EMS Commons 
    • AMC 10_B Competition Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2024, EMS Commons


the AIME is an invitational tournament based on the student's AMC10 score. Students who do qualify for the AIME will be notified as such. The EMS will only offer this one competition time during the middle of the school day. 

    •  AIME Competition Date: February 5, 2025


The AMC8 will also be administered and registered for by EMS math teachers. The competition will be held immediately after school at EMS Commons. Test takers are permitted to enroll in ONE competition center. If you try to enroll in two places, this is forbidden, and your account will get locked, stopping you from taking the competition at all. 

    • Competition Date: Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, EMS Commons


  • School Round Date: Thursday, November 7, 2024, EMS Commons 
  • Lake Washington Chapter Round Date: Saturday, February 8, 2025, Microsoft Conference Center 

Note: EMS math teacher will enroll the EMS for the MATHCOUNTS competition. All students are forbidden to sign up for the competition by themselves. When the MATHCOUNTS SYSTEM detects Evergreen middle School as having been enrolled in the 2024-25 MATHCOUNTS, your enrollment will be cancelled automatically no matter what your enrollment is before or after EMS enrollment, and no refund will be guaranteed. 

  • 2024-25 MATHCOUNTS Chapter selection process (**Important! **)           
    1. Students will complete both the Sprint Round and Target Round during the school round, with their overall score determined by the combined total of both rounds. The top 14 scorers from the school round will qualify to advance to the 2024-25 Lake Washington MATHCOUNTS Chapter.
      1. Once the school round results are available, the math club will send the scores to the participating students.
      2. The top 14 scorers will be notified by the math club to confirm their attendance of chapter round within a specified timeline. If any of these students decline the chapter round invitation, the next highest scorers will be contacted. 
      3. In the event of a tie, we will use the 2024-25 AMC10A (taken at EMS only) score to break the tie.

      2. Once the 14 participants for the Lake Washington Chapter are selected, the math club will choose 4 students from this group to form the EMS MATHCOUNTS team for the chapter. Selection will be based on their 2024-25 AMC10A scores taken at EMS, with the top 4 AMC10A scorers among these 14 making up the team. In the event of a tie, the EMS math teachers will administer an additional test to the students involved.

      3. Please note that only 2024-25 AMC10A scores obtained at the EMS will be considered; scores from other testing centers will NOT be considered. We will not consider the 2024-25 AMC10B score as well, as some students prefer to take one AMC10 at school instead of both. These students can opt to take the AMC10A at EMS. Therefore, any student interested in qualifying for the 2024-25 MATHCOUNTS Chapter MUST take both the AMC10A and the MATHCOUNTS School Round at EMS. Students who are unable to participate in both tests, for any reason, including illness or scheduling conflicts, will not be eligible to advance to the Chapter Round. No exceptions will be granted. 


  • The math club will register all math club students for the Math is Cool in-person tournament. Students and families are forbidden from registering themselves as individual competitors, and math club chair will enroll all the participating students and teams.
  • Each participating school can register up to 8 teams per grade. Therefore, for the EMS PTSA Math Club, we follow a first-come, first-served policy. The first team to sign up will take the available spot. If the students cannot form a team for the team section, they can participate in the mental math & individual tests without negatively affecting the chances of being selected for the Master round. If EMS is advancing to the MIC Masters contest, only the top scorers (Mental math and Individual tests account for the total individual score) in the Championships contest will participate in the Masters contest for the Evergreen Middle School.  
  • If students would like to take place in the team section, they must team up by themselves. Math club will NOT help students form teams. A team must have 4 students to lower the total registration cost for math club. 
  • We encourage mature teams with 4 students to sign up for the team sections only if they meet the following criteria:
    • The team format should be stable, with all four team members committed to preparing for the competition and participating in the MIC Championship.
    • All four students must prioritize the MIC competition, with no potential schedule conflicts that would prevent the team from participating. 
    • If students wish to participate in team sections, a parent/guardian will need to complete the internal sign-up form sent by Math Club for a full team of 4 students as the team coordinator. 

Team Coordinator Responsibilities:

      • Organize regular practice sessions based on team members' schedules.
      • Ensure all 4 students will be present on competition day. In the case of a no-show, the team coordinator must pay a Math Is Cool registration fee of $15 per student to the Math Club for the team members. Checks should be made out to EMS PTSA with “2024-25 Math Is Cool registration fee” in the memo. Teams may reimburse each other as needed.
      • Any team member change must be communicated to the Math Club via email, with all current and new team members copied, including both students and their parents/guardians. Changes that lack transparent and thorough communication will be seen as a lack of teamwork spirit. In such cases, the entire team will be dissolved, and all students involved will be restricted from participating in the team sections of Math Is Cool. They will, however, remain eligible to participate in the individual events (mental math and individual rounds) only.
      • Coordinate with team members’ families to arrange food for the students.
      • Serve as the Math Is Cool onsite coordinator and stay until the end of the whole event.
  • Any team or individual that signs up must physically participate in the Math Is Cool Championship. An excused no-show, except due to illness with 48 hours' prior notice, will result in the required reimbursement of $15.00 per student to the EMS PTSA Math Club. Schedule conflicts or unexcused no-shows will also require a reimbursement of $15.00 per student, which is the official individual MIC registration fee per test taker. 
  • According to the Math is Cool competition rules Math is Cool (academicsarecool.com), A student may compete only for his or her official school of record. A student's school of record is the student's base or main school. So, the homeschooled students and Choice school students who are eligible to join the EMS PTSA math club can only compete in the mental math and individual tests but are not permitted to team up with other students who are currently attending the Evergreen Middle School to compete in the Math is Cool team section.  
      • Championship Competition Date: Saturday, February8, 2025
      • Championship Competition Location: Liberty High School (Address: 16655 SE 136th St, Renton, WA 98059)

Weekly Virtual Coaching Session & Monthly In-person Practice

  1. We will have 21 online Art of Problem-Solving (Volume-1) Coaching Sessions on Monday evening 7PM-8PM between October 7, 2024, and April 7, 2025. We will discuss a new math topic each week. This activity is optional. Here is the tentative schedule. 
    • October 2024: 7,14,21,28
    • November 2024: 18,25
    • December 2024: 2,9,16
    • January 2025: 6,13,27
    • February 2025: 3,10,24
    • March,2025:3,10,17,24,31
    • April 2025:7

2.We will also have 15 virtual AMC10&MATHCOUNT preparation seminars on Wednesday evening 7PM - 8PM between October 9,2024 and February 26, 2025. This activity is optional as well. Here is the tentative schedule. 

    • October 2024:9,16,23,30
    • November 2024: 20
    • December 2024: 4,11,18
    • January 2025: 8,15,29
    • February 2025: 5,12,19,26

3. We will also have 14 virtual AMC8 preparation seminars on Thursday evening 7PM - 8PM between November 21,2024 and April 3, 2025. This activity is optional as well. Here is the tentative schedule. 

    • November 2024: 21
    • December 2024: 5,12,19
    • January 2025: 9,16
    • February 2025: 6,20,27
    • March 2025: 6,13,20,27
    • April 2025: 3

4. We will organize 6 in-person team-based practices on Wednesday 1PM-2PM at EMS Commons. Here is the tentative schedule. 

    • Wednesday, October 30, 2024
    • Wednesday, November 20, 2024 
    • Wednesday, December 18, 2024
    • Wednesday, January 29, 2025
    • Wednesday, February 26, 2025
    • Wednesday, March 26, 2025

5. NO Math Club activities:

    • No-school days.
    • Extreme weathers
    • If there is a math competition in a week, NO virtual meet up.
    • If there are any other unexpected situations, we will also cancel the weekly virtual meet up, but we will notify students and parents with at least 24 hours' notice. 

Activity Guideline 

  Please adhere to the following guidelines when taking part in various activities organized by EMS PTA Math Club:

  Virtual Meeting:

  1. Recording or screenshots during online coaching sessions are strictly prohibited.
  2. The Math Club does not provide session recordings for missed sessions.
  3. Students should join the virtual meeting on time. It is highly recommended to log in 5 minutes early and wait in the lobby. Latecomers are not guaranteed admission to the virtual meeting.
  4. Upon joining the virtual meeting, students should update their display name to their real full name, turn off the video and mute themselves. Questions can be raised using the "raise your hand" feature.
  5. The chat window is designated for sharing answers, discussing problem solutions, and anything related to learning.
  6. All participants must show respect to each other and adhere to virtual etiquette. Poor etiquette may result in removal              from virtual meetings.
  7. The virtual sessions are for math club students only and are intended solely for learning purposes. 

  On-Site Math Tournaments at Evergreen Middle School: 

  1. No pictures or videos are permitted during the entire event under any circumstances.
  2. Test takers are expected to bring all items specified by the math club for the math competitions.
  3. Strict adherence to the competition rules and regulations is mandatory for all test takers. Any violations of the competition rules will result in the disqualification. 

  Off-Site Math Competitions at Local High Schools/Universities/Companies:

  1. No pictures or videos are allowed during off-site math competitions. Participants and their families wishing to capture moments should handle this individually. Obtain permission from competition organizers and venue providers in advance. If capturing people's faces is involved, seek explicit permission and communicate the purpose of photography or videography beforehand. Note that these personal activities are not endorsed, supported, or approved by the math club. Any complaints about photography or videography during off-site events should be directed to the individual responsible. The math club is not involved in this process.
  2. Test takers are expected to bring all items specified by the math club for the math competitions.
  3. Strict adherence to the competition rules and regulations is mandatory for all test takers. Any violations of the competition rules will result in disqualification.
  4. Test takers are expected to show respect to the onsite competition coordinators and any supporting volunteers who are contributing to the event.
  5. It is mandatory for test takers to adhere to all rules specified by the onsite coordinators to ensure fair and smooth competition.
  6. Test takers are strictly forbidden to take anything within the venue without explicit permission.
  7. In the event of any issues arising during the competition, participants should immediately escalate the matter to the EMS chief coach or designated on-site volunteers for prompt resolution.

Spirit of Competition

During the competition cycle, students are NOT allowed to share problems from competitions such as discussion, posting the questions on the forum etc. If the competition states that problems cannot be saved, then these rules must be followed. 

We highly encourage all the students to treat the math competitions as the study tool focusing on learning instead of winning! Hope all the students enjoy the 2024-25 math tournaments! 

Community Math Enrichment Event Sharing 

1. Husky Math Academy (HMA)

We’re excited to introduce a new math program, Husky Math Academy (HMA)HMA (huskymath.org) based at the University of Washington, offers rigorous and challenging math classes for students in grades 7-9 who want to deepen their mathematical understanding through problem-solving. This program is part of a collection of free math enrichment programs and events offered by UW Math Enrichment UW Math Outreach - UW Math Outreach (washington.edu).

Applications for Fall 2024 are now open! The deadline to apply is September 11, 2024. For more information, please visit the Application page  Application.


If you have any questions, please email at them info@huskymath.org. To receive updates, please subscribe to our mailing list

Please note that the Math Club has not verified whether this program is officially affiliated with UW, and the EMS PTSA Math Club does not endorse the program. We are simply sharing the information. And math club will not organize the students to participate in this event. 

2. 12MC

We’re excited to announce the return of the 12MC, a fun math competition for middle schoolers organized by Interlake High School students, after its hiatus due to the pandemic. The competition will take place on Saturday, October 19th.

Official signups open on September 10th and will remain open for 2-3 weeks. For more details on the competition format, you can refer to this information pamphlet from a previous year: 12MC Competition Details.

For any questions, please reach out to interlakemathclub@gmail.com

Please note: Students interested in participating must register and cover the costs on their own. If they wish to participate in the team section, they must form their own teams. The EMS PTSA Math Club will not be organizing students to participate in this competition."

3. Mustang Math Maia 2024 

Mustang Math Mania 2024, that will be run online on Saturday, September 28, 2024, from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM PT! 

The regular registration deadline is in just a few days on 9/16/2024, but there is plenty of time to register even after then. As a gift from the Mustang Math team, you can get $2 off our regular registration fee by applying the promo code MMM61942! You can find out more information below:
M³ 2024

Mustang Math Mania is a tournament that aims to bring a unique take on math competitions by being primarily team-based. For Mustang Math Mania, they've prepared several unique and creative rounds including a proof-based round called Perilous Proofs which will take place a week before the tournament; tailored towards middle school students, Perilous Proofs is a great introduction for students who have never seen these kinds of questions before. they're also hosting a free prep course on proofs taking place on September 14 and 15 to provide a solid foundation for Perilous Proofs, which you can find more information about in the link below! The other rounds, run on the day of the tournament (9/28), will engage students in problem solving and encourage communication and teamwork among teammates. 

For any questions, please reach out to contact@mustangmath.com 

Please note: Students interested in participating must register and cover the costs on their own. If they wish to participate in the team section, they must form their own teams. The EMS PTSA Math Club will not be organizing students to participate in this competition." 


Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact us: mathclubsupport@evergreenptsa.org 

Club Chair: Liying Cai at Liying@evergreenptsa.org

Associate Club Chair - 

  • Hongning Wang: Senior, Eastlake High School
  • Alon Ragoler: Senior, Eastlake High School
  • Ethan Li: Senior, Eastlake High School


  • Eric Shao: Freshman, Mercer Island High School
  • Edward Li: Sophomore, Mercer Island High School

AMC8 Coach - 

  • Bryan Li: Sophomore, Tesla STEM High School 
  • Max Xie: Sophomore, Tesla STEM High School 
Washington State PTA 2022-2023 SILVER Membership Growth Award Recipient 2022-2023 Washington State PTA 100% Staff Membership Award Recipient

PTSA# 2.8.68  |  6900 208th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98053  |  425 936-2320  |  Lake Washington School District